Do you have a problem?

You may have a sexual addiction if any of the following apply to you...

  • Have you tried to stop certain sexual behaviors but been unable to?
  • Are you keeping secrets about your sexual behaviors?
  • Have you withdrawn from loved ones?
  • Do you spend time planning when you can next indulge in your sexual behavior?
  • Has pornography and masturbation become a regular part of your routine?
  • Has your partner, other family member, or close friend discovered your sexual behaviors and told you that you need help?
  • Have you crossed sexual lines or limits that you would not normally cross?
  • Have your sexual behaviors damaged your relationship with your partner?
  • Have your sexual behaviors affected your work?
  • Are you facing financial burdens related to your sexual behaviors?
  • Are you engaged in 'sexting'?
  • Do you have sexual fantasies that would be illegal if carried out in real life?
  • Have you begun experiencing erectile dysfunction from excessive masturbation?
  • Are your sexual behaviors leaving you feeling depressed or negatively affecting your life?
  • Do you feel like you need help, but don't know where to start?
  • Do you feel alone and like no one will understand what you are going through?

There is Hope. There is Help.

There is Hope. There is Help.
Sexual Addiction is a growing epidemic across the country that is negatively affecting millions. Regardless of how tight its grip feels on you, you can break free! LifeStar helps people just like you learn how to stop these behaviors and heal the damage they have done. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it! You are not alone!

Things to be aware of:

  • Sexual addiction can be as severe and as difficult to overcome as an addiction to hardcore drugs!
  • Just stopping is not enough. You need help and support to recover and overcome this addiction.
  • Your loved ones, especially a spouse or partner, have experienced real and powerful pain and need to heal too.
  • Overcoming this addiction is a lot of work.
  • Recovery IS possible, no matter how severe your addiction.
  • Remember: You are not alone.
Our trained professionals are dedicated to bringing hope, healing, and recovery to individuals, families, and spouses affected by unwanted compulsive sexual behaviors and the powerful grip of pornography and sexual addiction.

Our program format addresses the sexual addiction, the betrayal trauma, and the relationship.